

Whether you’re a business owner or a homeowner, landscaping is an important part of your curb appeal and should be addressed at least a couple times a year. With fall in full swing, you may not think about your landscaping, but there are some things that are better to do in the fall than in any other season.


According to houselogic, fall mulching is actually better for your plants than spring mulching. Mulching in the fall can help protect the roots of your trees and bushes from frost and helps them retain moisture. The best way to do so is to spread 2-3 inches of fresh, shredded mulch around your plants (and make sure it’s fresh, because free mulch can contain disease spores).

Shape It Up

Before your landscaping goes dormant for the winter, take your pruning shears and shape it up. Don’t prune (because pruning promotes healthy growth and your plants are preparing to hibernate) – instead, trim off any dead or dying landscaping, including dead flower blooms and grasses.

Mow a Final Time

As temperatures begin to drop, you’ll want to make sure your grass is trimmed down to around 1 11/4 inches for the winter. If your grass is too long, it becomes prone to disease and leaves can get caught in longer grass more easily and decompose. In addition, when snow falls on grass that’s too long, it won’t drain properly and can promote snow mold.

Keep Up with the Leaves

When it comes to curb appeal, a lawn full of leaves isn’t exactly attractive, so keep up with your falling leaves as the season continues. Rake them up or blow them off of your lawn with a leaf blower – just remember to be courteous to your neighbors.


Fall is a good time to apply grass seed to your lawn to not only improve your lawn’s appearance, but also to fill in areas that may have been stressed by the summer sun or lots of foot traffic. Reseeding also thickens your lawn’s density and enhances its ability to fight off insects and disease. Before you reseed, it’s a good idea to test your lawn’s pH balance so you know what kind and how much seed to spread.

Plant Fall Flowers

Just because it’s chilly outside doesn’t mean you have to completely forgo new foliage. To add some color to your home or business, consider planting fall flowers that can withstand the cooler temperatures. Try colorful mums, forget-me-nots, lavender, and more.

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