At Mr. Pavement, asphalt is our specialty, and we know there are certain things that must be done to keep it in good, strong shape. We recommend assessing your asphalt driveway, walkway, or parking lot every season to make sure it’s not in need of repair or replacement.
Here’s our assessment checklist for you for the fall:
Inspect the surface
Take some time to carefully inspect the surface of your asphalt. If you notice any damage, make a note of it. In addition, look for signs of oxidation and irregular bumps. Also note the overall condition of the asphalt and if it’s worn or old.
Inspect any holes or cracks
While cracks and holes occur naturally, they can get worse with UV exposure, chemicals, and/or freeze-thaw cycles. If your asphalt has any holes or cracks in it, assess them to see how large they are. Many cracks and holes can be filled, but if they’re large (more than 1/4″ wide or 2 inches deep, respectively), you may need an asphalt repair.
Evaluate water-pooling areas
The next time it rains, look for areas of your asphalt that collect water. These areas may be in corners near the curb, at the bottom of your driveway, or in an area where the ground may have shifted. Water pooling means the drainage of your asphalt isn’t as sufficient as it should be, and sitting water can damage asphalt over a period of time.
After you’ve assessed your asphalt, give our asphalt driveway resurfacing company a call and let us know what you’ve found. We’ll evaluate your findings and let you know if we think a repair, resurface, or replacement is necessary.